Olympia Soiree ~ Overall thoughts

Published by: Idea factory/otomate (JP)
ENG: Aksys games
Available for nintendo switch (ENG & JP)

After finishing Piofiore I decided to start playing Bustafellows next because I wanted to save Olympia Soiree for later. But while I played Bustafellows I realized I wasn't that motivated to play it or I just didn't find it interesting at the moment. So here I'm writing this blog post for Olympia Soiree because at the moment it spoke to a lot more than other game. 

Summary from vndb

When the 'White' girl dances the night fades away.

Naming herself "Olympia"

Like a doll she never smiles,

Like a doll she always dances,

The people both respect and fear her.

On Tenguu Island, where "color" is more important than life, she has a color that nobody else has.

Now that she has turned 18, in order for the rare "White" to not die out, she must go and look for a mating partner.

"You who were born on Tennyo Island are special."

"You can choose freely between men of any color on this island."

The girl who had refused contact with the outside world because of a past incident believed in her dead mother's words and took a step forward.

In order to find a person who can love her true self.

In order to meet the other half of her soul she wishes for.

the boys

Overall thoughts

I had bought the game in Japanese when it was released there and tried to play it a little bit when I got it but never actually ended up to any route. Knowing myself am not good at Japanese at all or should I say I'm really bad reading it and I understand it a little bit when someone speak Japanese. But my language skills are super bad,but maybe one day I'm able to enjoy otome games in Japanese too heh. 

Anyway back to the game! 

When I started to play this it gave me huge mythology vibes which I really like so I was super excited for this game. And this just have amazing art/ost so everything look promising right? 

The "world build" in the game was interesting in it's own way. When you get to know more about the world/theme/laws/people in the game I started to worry if other players are going to hate this game because of it or just overall find it very "problematic" without looking it on a larger scale. 

While you played prologue you get to know a lot about our mc Olympia and the world/island were she live. Even though you get to know a lot of things there is a lot question where you hope to get answers when you play the routes. 

When Olympia explores more Tenguu island after turning to age of 18 she realize how little she know about the people/laws. Because her only job have been "to dance for sun godness amaterasu". I haven't mention this yet but there is "two places" on Tenguu island. There is Tenguu but also underground place called Yomi where live people who have commit crimes or have just born with "mix color/not pure color". This setting kind of reminds me of Steam Prison,but those two games still have VERY different meanings for their "two worlds". 

Olympia actually like to spent more time at Yomi because people there doesn't see her only as "Olympia of white".
 More Olympia spent her time there and also start to realize how cruel color system is she want to help people and try to change things there. She really start give this strong mc vibes,she wants to help people with her own way. Olympia decided to start delivery letters from Yomi to outside world.
So here was overall summary how this game start so now to the routes...

Like always I looked up some walkthrough guides for this game and one blog recommended start from Riku.
 When I first time saw Riku in the game he gave this "serious chara" type. But later I realized he is actually this very cute/precious tsundere babu who doesn't know how to communicate with other people and that is why he really give this "too serious" vibe. 

When Olympia was taking letters to the "blue area" there wasn't a lot people and she started wondering what is happening,but later she notice there was going some kind of "ritual dance"and she was very impressed about the dancer skills. Well of course she didn't know who the dancer was and hyped about it to everyone. But well you can guess who the dancer is and it was so cute how she praised the dancer for Riku and of course he was very embarrassed when she praised his skills lol. (bc obviously the dancer is Riku)

There was a lot miserable stuff on Riku's route and other weird "drama" I guess.
When there was some sad stuff I just wanted to Riku be happy. Because he is precious little cinnamonroll! But while playing this route it felt like it moved very fast and just when you thought some good stuff was finally going to happen it ended. Overall his route was nice and I liked Riku a lot! The good ending was very cute and after playing bad ends I just wanted to give hug for this precious little cinnamonroll. 

After Riku's route I went to another precious little cinnamonroll route,Tokisada. When I saw him in progolue I ended up to like him a lot and found him very cute. 
Tokisada is "outsider",he ended up on Tenguu island with the sea current. 
While I was playin this route I had the feeling Tokisada is having some "skeletons in the closet". Like I said already Tokisada is very cute and all those cute blushing moments were just 10/10. Even though he was super cute and I just could cry for this cuteness overload he also felt very suspicious sometimes. There was a lot cute moments and also some spicy moments too.  ¬‿¬ 
But with all those cute & spicy moments there was some sadness too which made me also realize how broken soul Tokisada is. 
Overall I liked Tokisada's route and he ended up to be one of my fav characters from this game.

Third route was Yosuga.
In other routes Yosuga felt like this elegant,friendly and little bit mysterious character. I actually was very excited to finally play his route bc I thought he was going to be my fav characters from the game...

I loved how mysterious Yosuga felt in the beginning of the route. In the beginning you also get to know about Yosuga's past and why he was in the Yomi.Which made me very sad. 
For some reason Yosuga felt very difficult to "approach". Even though you get to know about Yosuga a lot he still had this very mysterious aura and you wondered if there was actually something else behind this character. But more I played this route I started to notice that Olympia & Yosuga are kind of same type of characters. 

The route ended up to very bitter sweet and I didn't expect it to be very melancholic. I guess was expecting more this flrity/mysterious route. I guess they tried to make Yosuga like yandere character in this route but felt like they didn't give enough space for this. I liked Yosuga a lot as character but wasn't sure if I liked his route that much. Maybe I was just waiting for something else? 

Next was doctor route,Kuroba.
Kuroba was this game "the flirt character" and I was kinda interest to see what kind of route he would have. But at the same time I was expecting this route to be big chaos bc doctor character...

Kuroba's route moved very fast and sometimes I was thinking "does anything happen in it?". There was a lot about the "Haku" disease and how Kuroba tried to find new medicine for it. 
First Kuroba & Olympia's relationship felt like this "teasing friendship" than actual relationship but her feelings also grow very fast towards Kuroba. 
I liked Kuroba a lot as characters but his route ended up to be very plain. There was couple disgusting moments in the route. Not sure if Kuroba's route ended up to be like Yosuga's. I was hoping for something good but didn't get anything what I was waiting for. 

Second last one was Himuka...
So this was the route where I didn't have any motivation to play and why I went to play cupipara lol. 
Himuka had shown up in couple routes before but wasn't really sure what to think about this character. But he seemed like this kuudere type with dark past? 

Like I said starting this route felt like mission impossible for me. Because he wasn't this chara type which I usually like so i didn't have any interest for him. Sorry for all people who like him...but I just no...
To be honest I don't really know what to say about this route. There was a lot going on the route and you get to know a lot about new things and "hidden secrets". But yeah I didn't enjoy this route at all. It just felt boring and big mess. 
Sometimes this route also felt very "forced" and there was like moments when the game was like "okay now it's time to cry,please cry for the game." 
So yeah....I finished it...yay I guess ( ̄ー ̄;

Then it was time for the final route, Akaza the "cover boy". 
After I survived from Himuka boredom it was finally time for the "main boy". In other routes Akaza have gave this "cool but serious" type of character and usually those type of characters end up to be my fav ones. So I was very excited for this route! 

First it felt like I didn't have any interest to play this route. I really though I end up to like this character a lot but more I played this route felt like they just threw Akaza away and Olympia was having some own crisis going. And I was there like ".....sooooo where is Akaza?". At somepoint this route also gave this vibe that Akaza & Olympia's love was "forbidden"....kind of? 
Overall the route was ok and some new stuff came up. But for some reason the ending left kinda bored feeling. Well I cried for one CG in the end but overall this was kinda eh? route. 

Final thoughs:

Olympia soiree has very beautiful art and very nice ost. But overall the game is okay.
First the setting for the game gave very promising story and maybe my expectations for the game was too high. Not sure if I was waiting more dark/sad game, because it had potenttial for it. But the story felt like it was all over the place and some routes were like very seperated from each others. And felt like some relationships with the boys grow so fast. Which made some routes sometimes feel a little bit ??? 

Most of the characters were very likeble. But then their routes...
I think my fav routes ended up to be Riku & Tokisada ones. I really wanted to like Kuroba & Yosuga routes too bc I liked those characters a lot. But then their routes ended up to be disappointment. Felt like Kuroba & Yosuga were very nice in other routes but when you played their own routes you didn't like them that much. 
And it was funny how in the routes I was more happy to see my fav boys than trying to enjoy the boy in the route lol. Everytime I smiled like idiot when I saw my fav boys. 

Also I was a little disappointed for the "main boy" route. Akaza really gave this "ideal type" for the best boy but he ended up to be just nice. 

I liked there was extra short stories for the boys after finishing their routes.
Some of those were very cute! 

Overall the game was nice but nothing really special. Not sure if this game ended up to be disapointment or not. I still kinda liked this game but then at the same time it really didn't give anything. Not sure what I right words to describe this.

My fav boys list ended up to look like this

Tokisada,Riku,Yosuga,Kuroba,Akaza & Himuka


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