Cupid Parasite ~ Overall thoughts

Published by: Idea factory/otomate (JP)
ENG: Idea factory
Available for nintendo switch (ENG & JP)

SO I decided to give Olympia soiree a little break because I don't have any motivation to play Himuka route (sorry all Himuka fans). But I still wanted to play something and cupipara have been in my mind a little bit so decided to go with this one! 

Summary from vndb

In the heart of Los York, a glitzy, trendsetting metropolis
that sits on the cutting edge of culture and couture, one daring marriage agency stands apart from the rest in success rate and in style. The Cupid Corporation.

As Cupid Corp's top bridal advisor, our heroine consults the city's most in-vogue singles to make their wildest romantic dreams come true. But she has one secret which she can never share.

Her true identity is Cupid, a descendant from Celestia sent here on a heavenly mission.

Only this time, our heroine has been tasked with her biggest challenge yet: handling the matchmaking, and thus the fates, of the infamous Parasite 5.

After a series of unimpressive interviews and workshops, they concoct the perfect plan. Parasite House, a shared home created for reality TV centered around the lives of the Parasite 5 and their romantic exploits.

Leading these hopeless men to marital bliss proves to be a Herculean task even for great Cupid herself!
Can she live up to her name and keep her identity secret at the same time?!
Find out in the most divinely unpredictable romantic comedy of the millennium! ♥

the boys + owen :DD

Overall thoughts:

I had already started playing cupipara when I got my copy of japanese game but didn't end up any route yet. So I was able to skip some chapters from common route when I started playing ENG ver. of the game. 
This game really gives this "chaotic & romcom" vibe. And it was nice to play otome game where you really didn't have to think too much while playing it. While I was playing common route I wondered if I will get bored of the game after finishing one route. Because for some reason I though this game would have this "use same stuff for the routes" curse. Luckily only common route part was same and then all routes had their own stuff.
When I played common route I started like all the characters in the game but of course I knew that my mind will probably change after playing their routes. 

Anyway to the routes then! 

I decided start from Ryuki route,our mr. fashion designer.
 I liked Ryuki immediately because this lovely tsuntsun energy. I'm weak for tsundere of course he end up to be my fav boy from this game!
 Ryuki's route had a lot  things around his own fashion brand, finding himself and a little bit some "family drama".While I playing this route it felt like the story progressed quickly or maybe it felt like it because enjoyed play this route a lot and every cute/lovely dove moment made me just so happy. 
Ryuki is very cute and it was very nice/lovely to see how this little tsundere boy started notice his feelings for Lynette. Ryuki's route wasn't really anything special and there really wasn't any big "plots" going. You get to know some a little things but thats it.  
But overall it was very cute, captivating and I enjoyed to play this route a lot! 

Next I played Shelby's route,the CEO himself.
When I was playing common route Shelby gave this vibe of "I'm very serious and cool but actually I'm very awkward potato" character.
The beginning of Shelby's route progressed quickly and there was a lot good moments. But after playing couple of chapters I started to get a little bit bored of it. Felt like Shelby & Lynette didn't have any progress with their relationship. Even though route felt boring sometimes I really liked Shelby as character. He is very serious type and sometimes maybe over think too much, but inside he is this awkward softy (*´∀`*)
In weird way Shelby's route was this weird/chaotic roller coaster. First felt like nothing really happens in this route but then suddenly there was a lot going on. Route was very enjoyable even though it had those "all over the place" moments. 

After Shelby route I went to Gill route. 
First time when I saw Gill in the game I though he is very cute. This awkward potato who doesn't know how to express his own feelings. While I played other routes Gill felt very annoying and I was a little bit scared if he end up to be like that in his own route.
First Gill felt like this very cute and innocent character but more you play his route you start realizing how he starts to give more of this "stalker/yandere" type of vibes. Even though Gill sometimes gave this "yandere vibe" they really didn't give him like this "yandere mode on". More like a little hints that he might be one. 

This route felt like it was very "all over the place". But then there was suddenly some random transformers parody stuff and I was like "wtf is happening brain it hurts". First I really liked this route with those nice flashback moment when Lynette & Gill were roommates but more I played this route it started feel too much for me. Gill & Lynette spicy lovely dove moments and Gill's seiyuu probably saved this route lol. 
After finishing the route my feelings were kinda eh. I was confused but also a little disappointed that this route ended up to be just too much for me. I really wanted to like Gill & his route. 
To be honest I'm not sure what to think about Gill anymore lol.

From first mess to another,Raul route. 
Raul is famous actor who also is mythology fanatic. 
My first impression of Raul was this cute,innocent,puppy like airhead. I don't know why it was a little bit shock for me when this cute puppy like boy was to Lynette like " it doesn't matter who I sleep with bc all actors does that". Felt like this innocent puppy just changed to the beast lmao. 
But he is still cute,it's okay if you're smexy beast lol

In Raul's route Lynette had to teach him what is love,because his next role was in romantic movie but Raul didn't really know what love is. There was a lot acting stuff, Raul talking about mythology and learning what love is. 
Playing this route was interesting...
At the same time playing Raul's route was very nice and I enjoyed it but then there was some boring moments too. First I was unsure if I end up to like Raul or not. But more I played this route I started liking him more.
Overall this route felt like big "chaotic parody" of many different things. But in the end it was very fun,cute and sometimes spicy too. 

Second last route was everyones fav boy Allan. 
Allan's route was final "Parasite 5" route before the secret route. I have noticed that many people liked Allan a lot and his route is the best one. I don't know why I wanted to be this annoying person who doesn't have same opinion lol. 

Start for this route was kinda chaotic in Allan way,lets say that. Lynette tried to stop Allan stealing their costumers,because Allan is incubus :DD 
Of course Lynette tried to shoot cupid arrow at Allan,but then accidentally she touched the arrow and ends up to fall in love with Allan. After this the route started to be "Lynette & Allan acting as lovers" story. But of course later they both started to have real feelings to each other. 
Sometimes it felt like everything was too nice in this route and I was waiting for the moment when everything is not that nice anymore.
 And yes that U-turn happened.
Latest chapters started to feel a lot more bittersweet and some kind of Romeo & Juliet parody. 
While I was playing this route I kinda expected what was going to happen in this one. To be honest at some point I started feel like I wanted this route to just end. I really liked the ending for "Best end" but at the same time I was like "oh okay it finally ended". 
I liked Allan a lot as character but don't know why his route just left me a little bit unsure if I liked it or not. 

And finally secret route! 

While you're playing Parasite 5 routes you can kinda guess who is this "secret character" in the game. But I will not mention who it's. 
Secret route was kinda this "what if things happened a little bit differently in the story what we were used to already".  There wasn't any "choice" options so didn't need to worry about those. 
When I had read couple chapters already I started wonder if this route is very long or do I just play it slowly. I ended up to like secret route a lot and I was very curious what was going to happen in it. 
Of course this secret route wasn't perfect there was some points/moments which made a little bit hmm.
I ended up to like our secret character a lot  (*´∀`*)

silly boys

Final thoughts: 

I didn't have any high expections for this game. I waited for silly romcom and that was what I really got. Overall I really enjoyed to play this game. There was sometimes moments when I got a little bit bored about the game. And for the story,well I guess it had nice/funny idea for the story but sometimes in some routes felt like the story was all over the place and it made it a little bit confusing sometimes. But I guess cupipara is game which you should not take seriously and just enjoy it for it silly/stupid and all over the place routes. 
So shortly, enjoyable,funny,don't take it seriously type of game. 

I liked a lot visuals/ost for this game! Those very over the top character desings and all those colorful backgrounds. I don't know why but I really liked those. 

I actually ended up to like all the boys. Even though some of them didn't have good routes but they're still cute silly idiots. If I have to think who had best route,maybe Allan. But when I was playing his route I also noticed he gave this "main boy" vibe so maybe that is one reason too why his route felt like writers have gave it more "love"? 

My fav boys list ended up to look like this:

Ryuki, Shelby, secret character, Raul, Allan & Gill

Ryuki still will be the best boy but it was hard to say with other boys where I want to put them on the list. So please don't hate me. 

Next I try to finish Olympia Soiree and maybe then I go play Variable Barricade


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