Taisho x alice episode 2


Publisher: production pencil (eng), primula & prototype & production pencil (jp)

Developer: primula
Available: pc,psvita,nintendo switch (jp)
steam (eng)  

Well well well it's time for Taisho x alice episode 2. 
First episode left me a little bit mixed feelings. Cinderella's story wasn't best one but I still liked him as character. But I ended up to like red riding hood's story a lot more. So I was a little scared if episode 2 end up to be same. First route which I play end up to be boring and second one good. Or maybe both good/bad. 

I have already wrote about episode 1 if you're interest feel free to read it.

Summary from steam:

Once upon a time, in a topsy-turvy world...

In the beginning, you find yourself lost within a world of utter darkness. Your memories are gone; even your name is a mystery.
But just when the bitter loneliness threatens to break your spirit, you meet Alice—a blond-haired, blue-eyed young man who promptly christens you "Arisu."
Like you, Alice cannot remember anything beyond his own name. Ignoring his protests, you drag him along with you through the darkness... until you happen upon a massive mirror made of crystal.
You stumble through the glass and into the Looking-Glass World, an antiquated fairytale dreamscape that feels oddly familiar...
There, amid a colorful cast of gender-swapped fairytale characters, you take on the role of the heroine and join them in their twisted tales.

How will the story end? It's up to you!

Kaguya (seiyuu: Toshiki Masuda) & Gretel (seiyuu: Takuya Eguchi)

Overall thoughts: 

I knew I wanted start from Kaguya route and leave Gretel route last. Because I had heard interesting things from Gretel route. Like I already said first episode left me a little bit mixed feelings of the game and my hopes for episode 2 routes wasn't that high. 

Before I started to play Kaguya's route I talked with my friend who had already played taiali episode 2. And she told me that his route is not that special and it's kinda boring. So I didn't have any high hopes for this route after hearing my friend opinion. 
When I started play this route I expected some stuff from "kaguya hime" story. I guess there was some little pieces from it. My first impression of Kaguya was flirty/airhead type of character, so I really liked him bc those flirty chara types are usually my fav ones. Later you get to know Kaguya actually has amnesia and it's one reason why he sometimes act like "airhead". Most of the route felt really boring to me and felt like nothing happened. I liked that there was a lot interaction between Yurika and Kaguya. 
First this route felt very innocent and harmless but then suddenly route made U-turn and was like "you fool". 
Kaguya started show more different sides of him and suddenly everything was melancholic. I was kinda speechless for sudden mood change. So WHEN the route was almost over it started to be more interesting which is kinda sad. I actually ended up to play bad end first and when I realized it I started to speed run the story and tried to answer "good end" ones. Good end was okay, I liked how Kaguya was able to show his feelings more openly but he ended up to be  little bit different person what he first was. 
Overall Kaguya's route was okay. I was a little bit disappointed that in the end of route things started happen and it started to be more interesting. It would have been nice if the whole story would have been interesting from the start to finish. 

Then it was time for Gretel route. After playing other "sibling routes" in otome games at this point I should know that those type of routes always end up to be messed up.
 So what to even expect from this route right?
 As character Gretel gave this yandere/tsundere kind of vibe + brother (if you can even say that is chara type in otoge lol). 
Start for the route was very spicy and went straight to the point. This route kinda had some elements from "Hansel & Gretel" story (candy,witch,candy house etc.). There was a lot flashback moment before Yurika end up to the white room where was also cage,bc why not. And when you read those flashbacks you get to know that Yurika & Gretel are not blood related siblings.(bc of course) Then you get to know they both actually have feelings for each other BUT they can't say it. First this route didn't feel that bad and there was those spicy moments and you was wondering were this story ends up. But when you get to know more about Gretel and his thought you start to realized that shit storm is about to happen. And more you play you start to realize that Yurika & Gretel both had a few loose bolts. 
Overall this route was wild ride. I was expecting dark/twisted route but it ended up to be more dark/melancholic what I expected. Sometime I felt very uncomfortable while playing it.
I ended up to play bad endings first before going to good one. Because I was very interested what kind of endings they have planned in this route. Some of those wasn't that dark what I was expecting which was a little bit disappointing if it's even okay to say this 8DD 
I guess good ending was kinda cute(?) At the same time it felt kinda plain if that is right word to portray it. Maybe I was hoping for more spicy ending.

My final thoughts for episode 2? 

I guess there is still a lot of questions about this game "overall story". So looking forward to episode 3 I guess. 

But I think I have kinda same feeling after finishing first episode from this game series. It wasn't mind-blowing buuut it wasn't bad either. Like in episode 1 I ended up to like only one route from this one too and it was Gretel route. Kaguya's route wasn't bad but not my fav one either. 

Maybe I still have very open opinion about this game because I haven't finish all routes so hard to say if it's good or bad. But so far what I have played this I think it's okay. Interesting to see what my opinions are after playing episode 3. 


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