My first impression: Tears of themis

Developer/publisher: miHoYo
available for: ios & andoroid
official youtube & twitter & official website

 Yesterday Tears of themis game was released and of course I also started playing it because pretty 2D boys so why not lol! Here is my little blog post for the first impression of the game. 
I'm not going to add any photos of the game play! 

Stellis, a city that rose from the clash of civilizations.

Modern tech has given it its radiant neon lights but also cast long shadows of obscurity. Lately, there has been an abnormal increase in the number of mental illness cases as well as incidents that threaten Stellis' social security.
Many gentle and good people of Stellis have somehow grown violent and volatile.
These incidents may have been recorded, but they are often drowned out in a flood of data.
Yet someone took notice of them and compiled them for detailed analysis...
Codenamed "X-NOTE", the project aims to peel away layers of obscuring data and reveal the hidden truth beneath.
When all is put on the scales of the law before Lady Justice, you will be the one to weigh their crimes in the balance.

Tears of themis boys

                            Luke Pearce (seiyuu Kaji Yuki)    Vyn Richter (seiyuu Fukuyama Jun)                                         

Marius von Hagen (seiyuu Ishikawa Kaito)     Artem Wing(seiyuu Suwabe Junichi) 

My first impression of the game and overall thoughts

While I was playing tutorial/first chapter I was wondering if I should write my first impression and overall thoughts about the game. I did a little polling on my twitter account. If I should write this post or not. And there was a lot positive feedback so here I'm writing this post. This probably end up to be very short and maybe a little bit chaotic but hopefully you enjoy to read it! 

Notice! I'm writing my thoughts after finishing tutorial/first chapter!

Couple months ago I saw some tweets about Tears of themis and I got interest in what this new game was going to be. I already liked the art style for the game and later when they announced japanese seiyuus for the game I was sold. Because there is a lot jp seiyuus which I really like so I was looking forward to this game. To be honest I didn't know much about the theme of the story which was maybe "bad search" from me :'D 

Overall the story seems promising and interesting! Also there was some hints of some kind of supernatural element,maybe(?) Or maybe I misinterpreted it.
 I also liked there is 4 different language choices. (of course I chose japanese voices
When I started playing this first thing what came to my mind was "this game kinda reminds me of queen's choice". And I was a little bit scared because first I liked but soon I got super bored with the game. So I'm hoping this doesn't happen with this game and doesn't end up to be boring and lost my interest. 

I love how extra this game is with all those l2d elements and you're also able to "interact" with the boys. Game system is nice and so far I have really liked those investigation parts too. When first time I tried those investigation parts this one meme came to my mind which was kinda hilarious. 

when you have those investigation parts 

Like every game this also have gacha which is nice but then you soon realize how bad your gacha luck is you start wondering if it's even possible get best boy cards lol. Of course you could use real money for this game but my broke student ass can't handle this.

Anyway let's talk about the cards! 
I was surprised that those sr & ssr cards has sounds when you go to lvl up those. e.g. one Vyn's SR card have sound of  playing with cards. And this felt super extra and overall those l2d cards are just chef kiss! 
At the moment my fav boys are Artem and Marius. Luke is also super cute and Vyn is mysterious/cool character. All the boys are likable but maybe my mind change when I play more the story & get to know those boys more. Who knows? I also really like mc for the game! She is super cute and I like her attitude + her outfit is very cute too!! 

Overall this game looks promising! Looking forward what kind of plot this story is going to have and how many wtf moments there is going to be. Because when I started playing 2 chapter there was couple moments when I was like "....wait a minute..oh no". 
I really hope that I don't lost my interest and the game wouldn't crash too often.
 Maybe one day I get best boy SSR cards. ( T u T ) 
Not sure if I'm going to write new post when I have played this game more or finished main story. 

But I really recommend to download this game and give it try! 
Please don't use all your money for 2D boys :'D  


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