Collar x malice - Unlimited - Overall thoughts


Published by:  Idea factory/otomate ( JP)
ENG: Aksys games/ Idea factory
Available for psvita (JP)  & nintendo switch (JP, ENG)

After finishing Psychedelica of black butterfly I decided play something cute and light game. When I was playing psychedelica I saw on twitter some other people playing cxm unlimited. I don't want to say this but I guess I have to,there was some kind of "shit storm" when eng version was localized. Eng game had a lot of different type of typos etc. And many people was very sad/angry/disappointed. I followed this "case" on twitter and was kind scared to see how horrible this game would be when I start playing it. Later there was some info about typo repairs, but I still was kinda unsure how chaos this game experience was going to be.
SO with mixed feelings I started playing Collar x malice - Unlimited - .

the boys 

Overall thoughts

Cxm unlimited is continuation for the first game "Collar x malice". If you haven't play it yet I recommend to you play it first and then play this one. This was first time for me to play fandisk game for otoge. I was a really excited to play this and see what was going to happen for Ichika and the boys. Before I started playing Unlimited I decided to read couple blog post if there was any route orders to play. And well there wasn't any so I decided to start from my least fav boy to fav one. 

My play order was: Yanagi,Enomoto,Shiraishi,Takeru and Okazaki. 

Even thought I planned to play fav one last which is Takeru. I was kinda scared that I would be disappointed at Takeru's after story route. So decided to play Okazaki last. 

So I decided to start from Yanagi first because he wasn't my fav one from first game. When I was playing his route I had this weird feeling while playing it. Because in first game Yanagi seemed more like "big brother" charactar for me than love interest. So it was kinda weird to play this very romantic and cute story when your memories of the character is something like that. Even though I had kind mixed feelings first I ended up to like this route a lot. It was cute,romantic and spicy. After this route I ended up to like Yanagi more than in the first game. Sometimes for me it felt like game makers was trying to "hint" that: Ichika and Yanagi is the main pair in the game. 
Later when I played other after stories I was kinda disappointed that other boys didn't have same kind of last CG what yanagi had but well all boys had different type of "ending moments" so it was kinda understandable. (but still.. :'DD)

Next was good old Mineo. I really liked his route and it was nice to see how hard he tried to be "true man" and suitable pair for Ichika. There was a lot humor,cute/romantic moments with Mineo which you can expect from his route. He is good boy! After finishing his route I felt very happy and satisfied. 

Third one was Shiraishi. His route was big roller coaster in the first game and when I started playing his after story route some memories from his bad ending route came to my mind which was kinda weird to be honest lol. Brain why you do this to me...
In the beginning there was a lot flashback moments what had happen for Ichika and Shiraishi. At some point I was a little disappointed at his route. After finishing his route I felt sad and disappointed. I hoped that there would be more. But it was still nice to see that Shiraishi was still "growing" as character. And trying understand different feelings. But still I was hoping a lot more from this route.

Ohohoh oh boy it was "yes,I have trash taste and I know it" time. I don't know why I thought that Takeru's route would be disappointing. In this route I had fangirl moments A LOT and yes he still was the best boy. I really liked how Takeru showed his soft and cute side more. Even thought he was still good old smug tsundere Takeru,which I like a lot heh. I regret a little bit that I didn't leave this as last route. 
BUT best boy,love you babe 10/10!

I don't know why I wanted to leave Okazaki's route last. Maybe I thought his route was going to be super cute/soft and funny. Well it was at some point cute,soft and funny. First his route was a really spicy and there was some hot situations. But then the mood fated. At some point I was kinda confused what happened and why suddenly it felt like that. But when you saw more Okazaki's point of view you kinda understood it. But at the same time you didn't. Sometimes Okazaki was a little bit childish maybe, but it was sometimes cute I guess? (also annoying) 

After finishing main boys after stories it was time to play some side stories. First I started to play Adonis story but at some point I felt really bored while playing it so I changed to some other side stories. First I decided to play Kazuki's story. Maybe I was tired or I just had lost my interest but I kinda speed run his side story....oops. But there was some background story how he and Sena became friends. 
After Kazuki I decided to play Yoshinari. 


While I played his story I was so sad for the fact that he doesn't have longer story and he is not one of the main boys *sad face* 
His story was super cute and funny too and I ended up to like it a lot! And the last melt my heart. Yoshinari is precious,new best boy number 2......yes! I really wanted that his story would continue and I really wanted to see how his and Ichika's relationship continued. ;;;;;;

After crying for Yoshinari it was time to play last side story. I was a little surprised that Minegishi had side story. While I played his story I ended up to like him a lot. Even thought he was still kinda "mysterious" character bc you didn't get to know him that well. For me it was hard to see Ichika and Minegishi as couple. But at the same time I kinda wanted to see how their relationship would have changed. Ended up to like him a lot but at the same time he ended up to be very mysterious character. 

Oh yes,it was time to try finish Adonis story. In this story you get to know some adonis characters better. I had some mixed feelings while playing this because everything was so melancholy. So my motivation to play this after all nice,cute and happy things was 0. Well it was my own fault to play this last :'D 
I wasn't that interest in some of the characters so I speed run those stories and read which I was interest in. But I will not spoiler anything from this story because it still was kind of  "last piece" for the collar x malice story. 

Final thoughts

 I really enjoyed to play Collar x malice - Unlimited -. Even thought there was this "case" thing going on internet and I was scared if this will ruin my motivation to play this game but luckily it didn't bother me that much. I really liked this game even though Adonis story kinda ate my motivation to finish it. But it was my own stupid mistake to play it last so. (I still felt empty after finishing this side hurts my soul)

I was so happy to see familiar characters and see how Ichika's relationships with boys has continued. My fav stories ended up to be Takeru and Yanagi's. Yoshinari also got his place at "best boys" list. He is precious cinnamonroll. When I was playing Shiraishi's route I started wonder if my fav list was going change after finishing all the stories. And yes it changed a little bit. 
Takeru is still my number one boy from this game and it probably will never change. I can say that I have trash taste and it always will be lol. 

Here is my fav list including Yoshinari and Minegishi too. 

Takeru, Yoshinari, Yanagi, Mineo, Okazaki, Shiraishi and Minegishi.


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