Psychedelica of the black butterfly ~ overall thoughts


Published by:  Idea factory/otomate ( JP)
ENG: Aksys games/ Idea factory
Available for psvita 

New blog post in short time,what is this?  
I'm actually really surprised how fast I played Psychedelica BB, because usually it take a little bit longer for me to even finish some games. But I guess bc I had my Christmas holiday I was able to play games more and not stress about my school stuff. 

Anyway, Psychedelica of the black butterfly or Kokuchou no Psychedelica. For a long time I have been super interest in Psychedelica games but I have saved both of those for the right time to play.  And I guess after finishing Bad apple wars I wanted more dark themed game. Because that one didn't give me enough dark and sad theme which I was hoping for. So why not suffer more right? 
Don't get me wrong, I really like dark/twisted themed games so I was really looking forward to play this even thought I was probably going to hate myself after finishing it lol.

Summary from vndb

As she fell deeper and deeper into the darkness, she could hear the sound of rainfall.
Also, she heard an animalistic cry.
When she woke up, the young girl found herself in a Western-style mansion.
An unknown, terrible monster rushes to attack the confused girl.
As the young girl ran away from the monster, she thought:
"Where is this place?"
"Who am I, anyway?"
Having lost pretty much all of her memories, she eventually met and joined up with some men in the same circumstances as her.
They all held weapons that were strange handguns.
From there on out, with their lives at stake, they must participate in the "Black Butterfly Hunt", and collect "Kaleidoscope Shards" possessed by those monsters.
Inside the Western-style mansion in which despair and betrayal swirls, will they be able to find hope in their futures?

Overall thoughts 

To be honest I'm kinda unsure what I should tell about this game or the story without giving spoilers BUT I try my best to write something which make sense. So there is probably going to be a lot of nonsense and me trying to figure out what I should even try to write. So I already apologize if this blog post is big mess. :'D 

Anyway lets start this then! 
Of course first I started looking at walkthrough which chara route I should start first. But I was surprised people recommended to play common route first. After finishing it I understood why people recommended to play it first. You get to know most of the story from it and character routes add extra perspective for the common route later.  
This was first time for me to play otoge where you have to follow flowchart and read some short stories. It was actually nice change to read stories while you played the common route. Because most of the time there was sad or depressing things going on. So those cute/nice short stories where nice extra. Or more like giving you a little break from all dark shit what was going on. Even though I was following route guides I was sometimes a little bit confused which stories I should unlock and read and which ones I shouldn't. There was one time when I read memory part before it was shown in the common route. But it was my own mistake. 
There was also mini game parts where you had to shoot black butterflies and you get points which you used to open short stories. First time when I played mini game and choosed Yamato to be my partner for it. After finishing it I got C and Yamato was like "why you're so bad at this". Call out from 2D hurts :'DD

Only thing what come to my mind about common route is,it was big emotional roller coaster. Most of the time I felt really bad for the characters what they had to go through. 

After finishing common route and crying like a little baby I was supposed to go play character routes. 
(character route order I played: Kahiga,Yamato,Higake,Monshiro and Karasuba) 

I had this really weird feeling while I played all those character routes. After common route at some point it felt kinda pointless to play those. Because for me the story kinda felt already "finished". So I really didn't want any romance for it. Which is really weird to say I guess? 
Most of the routes where really sad and not romantic at all or should I say you didn't really need romance for those. Which was fine for me. Because the main point was to them get memories and go back to real world. Also for me it was really difficult play some of the routes because in common route you get to know what kind of personalities those boys have and what is their goal or if they even had goal at all. With some character I just thought "how I'm supposed to like those characters and see them as love interest for beniyuri?!". 
When there was so cute/funny moments I just waited when next shit storm was coming and how everything was depressing again.  Even if you were playing "true end" sometimes I wasn't that happy after finishing those because some of the happy true endings where kinda dark and twisted. (thinking about Kahiga route and that last CG pair...yeah happy times I guess 8DDDD) 

I also found it funny how I started to hate Hikage in common route but kinda end up to like/feel bad for him in his route. But his route also was only one where I cried?? don't even know. :'DD

I liked there was this kinda "what would happen if _____" end which was kinda like "okay we know you suffered enough so take some happy and nice times so you wouldn't feel so shit after this game right : ) ".

Final thoughts

OKAY, even though I probably haven't say I guess anything positive about routes or anything. I REALLY liked this game. Story and theme was really dark/twisted and depressing at the same time. But it didn't bother me because I like those type of games so I really enjoyed to play it.  I was also happy that Beniyuri had voice too because usually heroine characters doesn't have voice. Also all the boys had really nice seiyuus! Kagiha ( Toriumi Kousuke), Yamato (Hosoya Yoshimasa).Karasuba (Kakihara Tetsuya) Monshiro (Matsuoka Yoshitsugu) and Hikage ( Ishikawa Kaito ).
Art and ost for the game where 10/10. I really liked the atmosphere which ost gave for it. After playing all characters routes I'm not sure which boy I ended up to like the most. There really wasn't any "okay this is my husbando,best boy 10/10" charas for me. But there still was boys which I really liked. 
I would recommend this game for those who like to play dark/twisted themed games. But if you're not good with topics like death and depression I wouldn't recommend this game for those people.  

My favs list end up to be like this:
I wasn't really sure was supposed to be "main boy" in this game. But I guess there really wasn't or the game gave you hints but it was up to you I guess? Most of the time it felt like Kagiha was main boy bc of the promise between him and Beniyuri. BUT after finishing Karasuba route I was kinda unsure. 


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