Some thoughts ~

Hi everyone! 

I haven't post anything new lately. I still need finish Nightshade and Collar x malice so I could write reviews for those games. But my motivation to play those games have been a little bit low. I think one reason probably is that I have been tired after work etc., well normal life stuff. Anyway I wanted to write my thoughts about otome games changes to Switch and my thoughts about new announcement from Otomate party. 

Well this is already kind of old information that in the future e.g. otomate is going to publish their games on Switch. (or probably most of them?) First when I heard about it I was kind of sad, because I really like play those games on Psvita and I don't like play otome games on PC or PS4 that much. But well what you can do? So what I'm going to do now,do I stop playing those games now? Well no, I have decided to buy Switch in the future. Not sure when, because it's still a really expensive console. So I have to look for some special sales or just desperately save money for it lol. xD 
Otomate have already announced some re-releases for switch e.g. Hakuouki, Code:realize, Nil admirari etc. But I'm not probably going to buy those re-releases. Maybe then if there is some game what I haven't been able to get yet. 

So next some thought about new game announces from latest otomate party. To be honest I didn't follow otopa stuff on twitter that much. But I watched some trailers from otomate's youtube channel. And well I don't have much to say about those coming games yet. The trailers where a really short and didn't give that much information about the game(s) yet. So it was hard to say if I'm going to buy any of those. There was actually 2-3 games what looked interesting from those short trailers. But like I said it's hard to say anything about those yet. So I'm waiting for more information and then I'm able to say if I'm going to buy anything. But if you want read more about otopa Billy have good post about it,so go check that one. 

But yeah not sure if I'm going to buy games that much in the future,who knows. Maybe first I should play my old games. (because there is still a lot asdfgh what do you mean I'm slow/lazy to play sshhhhhhhh xD ) Anyway thanks for reading this really small post about my thoughts. 

~ Sparkletokiya 


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