Code:realize sousei no himegimi ~ review

Published by: Otomate/Idea factory
ENG Aksys games
Available for psvita and ps4
Official home page
Code:realize sousei no himegimi is based in Victorian era England. Mixed with a little bit fantasy and steampunk theme. In Japan first code:realize game was released in 2014 and Aksys games translated it in English 2015. There is already couple of FD games and also ps4 release. I had bought the game when it was released to English,but managed to finish it last month,oops. 8DD


The story in game is about girl named Cardia,who is living in an abandoned mansion. In the chest Cardia has a crystal (Horologiumi) which produces poison to her body and she is not able to touch anything because of the poison. That is why a nearby villagers call her "monster". One day royal guards break to the mansion and try to kidnap Cardia. But at the same time master thief Arsene Lupin appears and "steal" Cardia from royal guards. Lupin and other people try to find out why Cardia has Horologium and same time try find her father Isaac.

✧  Routes ✧
There might be some spoilers!!

Impey Barbicane
Seiyuu: Morikubo Showtaro
Before I started play code:realize I didn't look at any guides how I should play the routes,but had read some review posts. But I didn't remember anything from those. So I decided start from my least favorite character,Impey. 

I saw Impey as genki/flirty character. First I didn't care much about Impey,but when I played his route I started like this character more. Impey is very cheerful and funny character. He is a very skilled mechanic and also a good chef. His dream is fly to the moon,yes.

There was a lot humor and romantic moments in Impey's route. Sometimes I also had facepalm moments,but there was very touching moments too. And I don't lie that I was crying for those cute moments. For the first route there was already a lot of answers about Cardia and the poison in her body. There was also some revelations about Impey,which I didn't realize in the beginning. I think Impey's route was a good start for me playing code:realize. 

Victor Frankenstein
Seiyuu: Kakihara Tetsuya 
AH lovely Fran,what else I can say. Even though I hadn't play Fran's route yet I fell in love with this a little cutie. (Fran is precious asdfg) I saw Fran as a little bit shy character. Not sure if this is right way to express him as character. He is also very skilled alchemist and it turns out that he knows a lot about Cardia and the Horologium.

There is a lot about Fran's past in the route and it was a  really nice to get to know why Fran knows a lot about Cardia and the Horologium. In the route Cardia's strength get worse and Fran try to figure out how he is able to help Cardia. Fran find the way help Cardia, but then queen Victoria come to mess all the plans with her own stupid plans,oh boy.

In the route I liked how Fran and Cardia's relationship to each other grew and how they supported each others. It felt so cute but at the same time so innocent. Fran's past parts in the route was really sad. I liked the end of the route,there was couple cute moments and I also felt a little bit "doki" moments lol :'D. 

Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke

Oh boy oh boy,what else I can say. While I was playing Saint's route I tweeted to the Twitter,how huge mindfuck this route was. But well what you can wait from character whose seiyuu is Hirakawa hmmmm. Because some how his characters are always in the way or another a little bit weird. Some times I wonder what mushrooms they had eat when they wrote Saint's route,oh well.

Saint is very mysterious gentleman. While playing the other route you didn't get much new information about Saint, so it was hard to say what was going to happen in his route. I also noticed that Cardia and Saint's relationship grew really slowly. 

When Cardia leaves mansion Saint accompanies with her and recommend that they could go to his another mansion. Not suspicious at all,HMMM. At the other mansion Cardia start think that maybe they could tell others where they're. But then Saint is like "are you sure that I haven't kidnap you?". BRO wait what?! 

When they put this CG to the game I was like "wait second is this the yandere route...HMMMMMMMMMM?". After this I started to suspect is this even good route what I'm playing? But I was only at the beginning of the game...WWWWWWHAT.

After this CG I just started wondering which way this route is going. BUT then show up that Saint is part of the Idea group and his mission is to kill Cardia...WELL SHIT.  Sometimes I find it very creepy how Saint's character "changed". First he is this lovely gentleman and then...mmmmm. At the end of the game everything began to be huge mess and sometimes I was so confused. 

Saint's route was a really interesting and I liked how mysterious he was as character.  Because in the end you weren't sure what would happen next. I liked how dark his route was and the excitement what the route give. Of course somebody may disagree with me,but I think Saint understood Cardia the most. Don't know if I have strange taste,but I liked Saint's route the most 8D . But after I finished the route I wasn't sure if I should have played it before Lupin's route.

Abraham Van Helsing 
Seiyuu: Suwabe Junichi
I wanted play Van's route second last,because he is my favorite character from Code:realize. As character Van is serious,cold and a little bit mix of tsundere and kuudere. He is considered as " hero of Vampire war".

Van have some traumas from the Vampire war. When I was playing Van's route, I noticed that Cardia was somehow difficult to approach Van. Only one think what was in Van's mind was revenge to Finis. Sometimes it was a little bit annoying how Van didn't want help from others and he wanted do everything by himself. But Cardia still tried get some contact with Van. In the end only thing what stayed in my mind was all this "I have to revenge" bullshit. To be honest it was exhausting. 

Mood while playing Van's route.
When Cardia leaves Saint's mansion she get kidnapped by Jack the ripper. I have to say all Jack the ripper parts were a really scary and distressing. Especially when you're playing in the dark room in the middle of the night,HEH. :'DDD  Van saves Cardia from Jack the ripper and notice that he has "Hidden Strenght". Also they get to know that Jack's releaser was AZOTH. Who did different kind of murders in the route. And of course Van though that Azoth is Finis...and again lets chase Finish...yay.

Van's route was a really sad,sometimes boring and depressing too. Even though I cried like baby for the good ending. I kinda wished that there would have been a little bit more romance. But luckily I got my romance stuff from the extra story ufufuf. I was kind of disappointed with Van's route with all this revenge shit. Also noticed how tired I was in the end of the route. Even though Van's route was bad and disappointing I still think he is my favorite character from this game.

  Arséne Lupin
Seiyuu: Tomoaki Maeno

The master thief,Lupin. You're able to play Lupin's route after you have played all other routes. SO we can expect that Lupin is "the main boy". I have understood that Lupin is the most popular character from Code:realize. But for me he is more like second or third favorite. And after playing his route,this master thief didn't stole my heart,HEHEH (bad joke). Before I started playing Lupin's route I knew there is going to be more information about Cardia and all "the keys"for the final parts.  

I don't have much to say about Lupin's route. But I noticed that those two liked each other immediately. In other routes those feelings grew a really slowly but in Lupin's route it was more like "yes we love each other do you see this hmmm?". However Cardia was difficult to accept that Lupin didn't care if she is "monster" or not.

For me Lupin's route was sometimes boring and long-winded. It's hard to say why I felt like it. I don't mean that the route was bad,it was just sometimes a little bit boring. And well I cried like a little baby for the couple last chapters. This is probably first time I have cried so much for the otome game :'D

Final thoughts:

So final thoughts! Cardia is the best heroine and that is all. I liked how Cardia grew as character and was able to accept herself as she was. She had her own character and wasn't this typical boring heroine character. 

Like I said before, wasn't sure if I played Saint's route in wrong time. My favorite routes were Saint and Fran. Van's route was a little disappointment. Whole story in the game was a really good. Art style was pretty and OST were good. Good seiyuu choices for the characters and most of them were my favorite seiyuus. I would recommend to play Code:realize!

Thanks for reading this review post! If there is any questions or you want leave comments feel free to do that. I would like to read those!

~ Sparkletokiya


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