
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on heinäkuu, 2024.

Sympathy Kiss ~ Overall thoughts

Published by: Design factory Co/ otomate (JP) ENG: Idea factory Available for: Nintendo switch (Eng/Jp)   Hello! I guess this is first time when I immediately start playing new game. Even though it took me a long time to finish this. But usually it takes me while when I want to start the just released game. But my motivation for Varibari & Virche have been kinda low so Sympathy Kiss seemed like this nice and relaxing game to play.  Summary from Sympathy Kiss english page About a year has passed since you started your new job as a designer at Estario, a mobile app company. Just as you were finally getting used to your job and the routines that came along with it...​ You were suddenly asked to switch departments and join the product team for a failing app that's slated to be discontinued. Switching into this new role, you find yourself surrounded by some of the most highly qualified (and highly eccentric) men Estario employs. To add to this new work challenge, you even have to pa